Ostozhenka street
The original name of the street, Stozhenka, is due to the fact that hay was harvested and collected in stacks in these meadows for the nearby royal stables. Over time, houses began to be built on Stozhenka, in which mainly employees of the Tsar's stables lived. Subsequently, on the side closest to [Prechistenka] (http://kudago.com/msk/place/ulica-prechistenka/), the main Moscow street, along which you drove to the [Novodevichy Convent] ( http://kudago.com/msk/place/novodevichij-monastyr/) representatives of the royal family, noble and wealthy residents of the city settled. And today, the luxurious houses and the names of some alleys located on Ostozhenka indicate that the nobility once lived here.
There are houses with unconditional historical value on Ostozhenka. Thus, at the end of the 18th century, Moscow Governor P. Eropkin, and later this building housed the Commercial School, where I. A. Goncharov said. Also in this house was born the famous Russian historian S. Solovyov. The Dovecote tavern was opened in one of the houses built in Ostozhenka - the owner of this establishment actually set up a huge dovecote in the attic, and later began to conduct cockfights here. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Ostozhenka began to be actively built up, which was explained by the construction of [the Cathedral of Christ the Savior] (http://kudago.com/msk/place/hram-hrista-spasitelya/). The rich mansions were built by famous architects and artists, such as V. Vasnetsov and S. Malyutin.
Over the past two centuries, many famous artists and scientists have lived and often visited Ostozhenka - for example, [Pushkin] (http://kudago.com/msk/list/pushkinskaya-moskva/) constantly visited various acquaintances, stayed at Ostozhenka and [Gogol] (http://kudago.com/msk/list/moskva-gogolya/), and philologist Vladimir Dal, Turgenev, Herzen, Akhmatova visited at different times.
Ostozhenka is one of the few streets that have preserved its appearance after the new grandiose Soviet buildings.
st. Ostozhenka
st. Ostozhenka
st. Ostozhenka
Ostozhenka street
Ostozhenka street
Ostozhenka street