sculptures at the metro station “Revolution Square”
Most residents of Moscow know about this place and regularly resort to the help of magical figures. It is enough to watch the flow of people flooding the station during rush hours for five minutes: every couple of minutes a person approaches one of the sculptures and touches it. Moreover, this is so commonplace that no one pays the slightest attention to what is happening.
The metro station [Ploshchad Revolyutsii] ( opened in the late 1930s and passes a huge flow of passengers every day. The sculptures installed on it (author Matvey Manizer) depict Soviet people of various professions. During the Great Patriotic War, the statue was evacuated to Central Asia. During transportation, they were significantly damaged, but in the post-war years they were restored.
Of the numerous sculptures, not all of them have magical powers. The most famous of them is the Scout with the Dog, installed in arch number 4. Students believe that if you touch the nose of a bronze dog with your hand or record book, you are guaranteed to pass the test or a good grade on the exam.
The next one is “Sailor with Flags”, or to be precise, a sailor from the battleship Marat, which is in arch No. 3. To fulfill your cherished desires, you need to touch the flag. If you want the coming day to bring good luck and positive emotions, rub the revolver held by the Revolutionary Sailor with a Revolver in Arch No. 2. By the way, they try to steal or break this revolver all the time.
And, of course, it could not do without a negative impact: it is believed that if you touch the beak of the rooster depicted in the sculpture “Poultry House with Chicken and Rooster”, everything will not turn out the way you do you will, and misfortunes will simply conclude you.
Moscow Metro, Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line, Revolution Square Station
Moscow Metro, Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line, Revolution Square Station
Moscow Metro, Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line, Revolution Square Station
sculptures at the metro station “Revolution Square”
sculptures at the metro station “Revolution Square”
sculptures at the metro station “Revolution Square”