Pashkov's house

Petersburg of Anna Akhmatova

The Pashkovs' house on Fontanka has a second name - Levashov's mansion. The thing is that the daughter of Chief Master Pashkov, who owned the house, married General Levashov, and the mansion was inherited by their family.

For some time, the office of the Levashovs brick factory was located here, and the plant itself was located on the site of the current Levashovo railway station.

Once a famous doctor and teacher Pyotr Frantsevich Lesgaft lived in one of the apartments of the mansion, after whom the St. Petersburg University of Physical Education was named. Until 1918, the editorial office of the magazine “Russkaya Starina” was also located here. Finally, in 1921, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova moved to the mansion. The poetess did not have her own house, she lived with the spouses Arthur Lurie and Olga Sudeikina.

Although many did not like Lurie, Mandelshtam, Sologub, Petrov-Vodkin and other representatives of St. Petersburg bohemia visited their apartment. Akhmatova wrote for Lurie a libretto of Blokov's Snow Mask, and when the composer fled abroad in 1922, Anna accompanied him to the pier. Arthur begged her to come, but they never saw each other again. After his departure, Akhmatova lived at this address for another year. The Pashkovs' house in the style of classicism at Fontanka 18 is still standing, and now it houses a children's art school.


Fontanka river embankment, 18


Fontanka river embankment, 18


Fontanka river embankment, 18


Pashkov's house


Pashkov's house


Pashkov's house


