Manezhnaya Square

**Manezhnaya Square** is located in the very center of Moscow and is surrounded by the Kremlin and Alexander Garden. The name “manege” comes from the nearby [Manege] (, built in 1817. Until the 1930s, there were a huge number of buildings here: this is where the [Kutafya] ( (aka Sennaya and Sapozhkovaya) Tower, the famous Alexander Chapel are located Nevsky and other historical monuments.

In 1931, the name “Manezhnaya” was officially approved. In the early 1930s, in connection with the beginning of construction of the metro in Moscow, all buildings on the streets adjacent to the square were demolished. At the same time, tunnels were built, one of which was liquidated during the construction of the shopping center [Okhotny Ryad] (, and the second is still operating today.

At first, the newly created square was called Novomanezhnaya, Staromanezhnaya and Universitetskaya, but in the end the place was returned to its original name Manezhnaya Square. But the epic with the name did not end there. At the end of the 60s, the square was named after the 50th anniversary of October This significant event was planned to be immortalized with a monument, but the installation of the monument did not take place. And in 1990, the square again became known as Manezhnaya.

The last decade of the 20th century was marked by the construction of the giant Okhotny Ryad shopping center under the square. After underground construction work, the square was reconstructed, but many experts are of the opinion that the construction of retail premises caused irreparable damage.

Today, Manezhnaya Square is not just a tourist center of Moscow, but also a venue for mass rallies. This square also hosts concerts by world stars.

In addition, there is an opinion that Manezhnaya Square is an energy trap located in the very center of the metropolis. After all, it is not for nothing that in the past centuries this place was called the “navel of the Earth”, and many different people flocked here - from wealthy businessmen and nobles to idle rags. Today, a circle has been laid on Manezhnaya Square, on which the inscription [“Kilometer Zero”] ( is engraved.

The indigenous residents of Moscow are sometimes surprised that Manezhka attracts much more attention of tourists than other sights and historical values of the capital. And the explanation is simple: according to legends, it is filled with special magic, and even a simple walk in its vicinity can contribute to a significant improvement in material condition.

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pl. Manezhnaya


pl. Manezhnaya


pl. Manezhnaya


Manezhnaya Square


Manezhnaya Square


Manezhnaya Square


