Pushkin's places on Tverskaya Street

And it is not surprising: at that time it was the main street of Moscow, and even now it houses the State Duma, the mayor's office of the capital, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and other important state institutions. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, prominent nobles settled here, the best hotels and shops stood here. The most prestigious English club in Russia, of which Pushkin was a member, was also located on Tverskaya Street.

House number fourteen, which now houses the Eliseevsky grocery store, in Pushkin's times was a chic classic palace that belonged to Princess Zinaida Alexandrovna Volkonskaya. She turned her house into a temple of arts, decorating the mansion with paintings and organizing musical and poetic evenings, which Pushkin also visited. The poet dedicated a poem to the owner of the salon, in which he called her “the queen of muses and beauty”. Here he met with the hostess's daughter-in-law, the wife of Decembrist Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky, before her departure to Siberia to visit her husband at a farewell party arranged by his mother-in-law for her daughter-in-law. There Pushkin also met Adam Mickiewicz, the future classic of Polish poetry, who impressed the guests with his ability to poetic improvisations and, perhaps, became the prototype of an improviser in Egyptian nights.”







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Pushkin's places on Tverskaya Street

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Pushkin's places on Tverskaya Street

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Pushkin's places on Tverskaya Street





