Adamini House
Petersburg of Anna Akhmatova
Baron P.L. Schilling, the inventor of the electromagnetic telegraph, lived in this house, and Nicholas I and V. A. Zhukovsky, and I. A. Krylov A. S. Pushkin. At the beginning of the 20th century, L. N. Andreev, in whose apartment the meetings of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) were held. Art historian A. L. Volynsky, futurist poet V. Kamensky, composer I. O. Dunaevsky.
On the Champ de Mars, in a house with columns, which Anna Akhmatova once saw from her window in the wing of the Marble Palace, where she lived in the early twenties, lived also a friend of the poetess Olga Sudeikina with my artist husband. For some time in the early twenties Akhmatova moved to her.
The famous St. Petersburg beauty actress turned the heads of many fans. It became the prototype of the main character of Akhmatova's “Poem without a hero”. She was accused of suicide of the young hussar Vsevolod Knyazev, although in real life it did not happen in the entrance of the house on the Field of Mars. But Olga lived right there, in the mezzanine. This is where a love polygon spun between Anna Akhmatova, Olga Sudeikina, her husband, artist Sergei Sudeikin, Vsevolod Knyazev and poet Mikhail Kuzmin.
Adamini House is also famous for the fact that it housed a gallery, or, as it was called at the time, the “Art Bureau” of Nadezhda Dobychina, where avant-garde paintings by artists of the associations were not only displayed The Jack of Diamonds and The World of Art (including Altman's portrait of Anna Akhmatova), but poets and musicians also performed. And later, in 1916, one of the favorite places of St. Petersburg bohemia opened in the same house — the cabaret “The Comedians' Halt”, created by Boris Pronin. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova was among the regular visitors, who were admitted with special business cards.
Mars Pole, 7
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Adamini House