Muzeon Art Park
**Muzeon Park** serves as a venue for various artistic events. Beginning musicians and stage stars, lecturers and street theaters regularly perform here. The Muzeon program covers any cultural endeavors: city festivals, art biennales, lectures, film screenings, environmental campaigns.
One of the most intriguing attractions of the park is the [open-air cinema] (, which allows visitors to watch movies even in the sun, when it rains. The repertoire is striking in its diversity. It has everything from frivolous Hollywood comedies to arthouse documentaries.
One of the most important projects of Muzeon is the**School Pavilion**, where everyone can learn to understand art. Representatives of science and culture often give lectures here, for example, graphic artist Tagir Safayev, writer Zakhar Prilepin, music critic Alexander Kushnir.
The **Oriental Garden**, decorated with Asian sculptures, is also worth seeing. On the territory of the Art Park there are outstanding sculptures of domestic and foreign masters of the 19th and 20th centuries. The Muzeon exhibits Soviet monuments saved from destruction in 1991, including monuments to the theorist of class struggle Karl Marx, the leader of the world proletariat Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.
In winter, tubing slides with rental of inflatable “cheesecakes” open in the park.
st. Krymsky Val, prop 2
st. Krymsky Val, prop 2
st. Krymsky Val, prop 2
Emploi du temps
mon—sun 8:00 — 22:00
Emploi du temps
mon—sun 8:00 — 22:00
Emploi du temps
mon—sun 8:00 — 22:00
+7 495 995-00-20
+7 495 995-00-20
+7 495 995-00-20
Site web
Muzeon Art Park
Site web
Muzeon Art Park
Site web
Muzeon Art Park