Nikolskaya Street

The first mention of the future Nikolskaya Street is found in the chronicles of the pre-Mongol period, when it was part of the Vladimirskaya road. In the second half of the 15th century, the street was called Sretenskaya, as it was possible to drive up to the [Sretensky Monastery] ( **Nikolskaya Street** received its current name in the 16th century, in honor of the Nikolsky Monastery located here. Among the many churches built on Nikolskaya Street, the most honored were Moscow residents [Kazan Cathedral] built here in the 1600s (

Behind the shopping arcades installed on Nikolskaya were the courtyards of noble Moscow boyars, and in subsequent years, noble families. In the 18th century, the Triumphal Gate was installed at the exit from Nikolskaya to [Red Square] (, through which to [the Kremlin] ( kings entered. At the beginning of the 19th century, the property of the famous bookseller Glazunov was located here, near which a library was set up. Most of the bookshops that existed in Moscow were located on Nikolskaya Street. At the beginning of the last century, this street housed hotels, many business offices of large industrialists and manufacturers.

During the Soviet Union, Nikolskaya Street was renamed 25th October Street, and its former name was returned to it only in 1994.


st. Nikolskaya


st. Nikolskaya


st. Nikolskaya

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Nikolskaya Street

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Nikolskaya Street

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Nikolskaya Street


