model of the Kremlin and the city center
Residents and guests of the capital had the opportunity to see with their own eyes the center of Moscow and the Kremlin of the 70s. Everyone will be able to see the smallest details, and even running passers-by will not escape prying eyes.
The diorama has already traveled half the world and has only recently returned to its homeland. It was made for the 1977 National Exhibition in New York, and with the status of a star traveler, passed from exhibition to exhibition, from one collector to another.
The magic of the diorama also lies in the fact that you can watch it at different times of the day. It's like in life: night falls, the lights turn on and the windows in the houses light up with bright yellow colors! All this action is accompanied by a story in different languages.
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Kutuzovsky Ave., 2/1 bld. 1
Kutuzovsky Ave., 2/1 bld. 1
Kutuzovsky Ave., 2/1 bld. 1
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Emploi du temps
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Emploi du temps
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model of the Kremlin and the city center
Site web
model of the Kremlin and the city center
Site web
model of the Kremlin and the city center