The Moscow Kremlin

Each country has its own architectural symbol. For France, it is the Eiffel Tower, for the USA it is the Statue of Liberty, for Egypt it is pyramids When Russia is mentioned, most people see slender towers and red walls of the Kremlin. A visiting card of the capital, it has long been the first and mandatory point of visit for any tourist. If you haven't visited the**Moscow Kremlin**, consider that you haven't been to Moscow.

However, it is not so easy to get around it, at least your vacation will not be enough for this — today there are twenty towers, seven cathedrals, six palaces and the same number of squares on an area of 27 hectares, dozens of other objects of exceptional historical and architectural value. Who has not heard these names: **Grand Kremlin Palace**, **Armoury**, **Red Square**, **Tsar Cannon** — every corner here breathes history. The tsarist defensive fortress, the symbol of communist Russia, the residence of the president, the museum complex — what duties were not assigned to this territory.

The number of excursions that you can sign up for on the territory of the Kremlin is close to a hundred. Among them, there are also classic ones, about its history, famous personalities and the most striking events. And for lovers of mysticism and detective stories, there are, for example, walks, during which the guide will tell you about the secrets and mysteries of this place, among which the most famous, perhaps, is the disappeared royal library.

**Interesting facts about the Moscow Kremlin: **

• Today it is the largest and most active fortress on the continent. Although Old Europe can boast of much older specimens, only the Kremlin has survived in such a beautiful condition among the giants.

• Its famous red walls are historically not red at all. A century and a half ago, the whole world was well aware that the Moscow Kremlin was snow-white. Hence the definition of Moscow as white stone. The complex acquired its current bright color only after 1880. You can learn more about each tower of the Kremlin from [KudaGo material] (

• But the architectural ensemble received the most unusual color during the Second World War. To preserve this treasure from German bombers, it was decided to turn it into another building. Then the Kremlin not only repainted itself, but also received painted windows!







Emploi du temps

Mon—Wed, Fr—Sun 10:00 — 17:00 (ticket office: Mon—Wed, Fri—Sun 9:30 — 16:00)

Emploi du temps

Mon—Wed, Fr—Sun 10:00 — 17:00 (ticket office: Mon—Wed, Fri—Sun 9:30 — 16:00)

Emploi du temps

Mon—Wed, Fr—Sun 10:00 — 17:00 (ticket office: Mon—Wed, Fri—Sun 9:30 — 16:00)


+7 495 697-03-49, +7 495 695-41-46


+7 495 697-03-49, +7 495 695-41-46


+7 495 697-03-49, +7 495 695-41-46

Site web

The Moscow Kremlin

Site web

The Moscow Kremlin

Site web

The Moscow Kremlin


