monument to Elisha the cat and Vasilisa the cat

Two inconspicuous monuments are located in the historical center of St. Petersburg: Vasilisa the cat stands gracefully on the second floor of the cornice of house No. 3 on Malaya Sadovaya Street. On the contrary, in house No. 8, an important cat Elisha sits, with his head down, watching passers-by. Vasilisa the cat, bending her paw and raising her tail up, looks coquettishly forward, at Elisha.

The cat and cat came here in 2000. There is a version that the figures of animals are dedicated to cats and cats that were brought to Leningrad from the Yaroslavl region immediately after the blockade was broken. The tailed bravely fought hordes of rats, which became a real disaster for the weakened Leningraders. The next time the cats were brought from Siberia and settled in the Hermitage. There they fought rats again, but this time they protected valuable exhibits from them.

Author of the sculpture idea: historian Lebedev. Sculptor: Vladimir Petrovichev (he owns another St. Petersburg cat — [Tishina Matroskina] (, which founded the day of St. Petersburg cats and cats). According to the belief of Petersburgers, if you throw a coin and it lands next to a cat or cat, you will catch luck by the tail!

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st. Malaya Sadovaya, 3 and 8


st. Malaya Sadovaya, 3 and 8


st. Malaya Sadovaya, 3 and 8

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monument to Elisha the cat and Vasilisa the cat

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monument to Elisha the cat and Vasilisa the cat

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monument to Elisha the cat and Vasilisa the cat


