Gavryusha dog sculpture

Gavryusha likes to read letters very much. Therefore, if you want your wishes to come true, write him a letter and put it in the mailbox where the cute dog stores his correspondence. And if you are afraid that he will forget something or misunderstand, stroke him and whisper your request again in your ear. Try not to make long wishes.

By the way, because of the people's faith in miracles Gavryusha had to suffer a little. Initially, the sculpture was installed in a small courtyard on Malaya Sadovaya Street, which immediately became a Mecca for citizens and tourists. Local residents were tired of the constant pilgrimages, and as a result, the dog was “banished” to a quiet square near the University of Film and Television. It has been registered there since 2007 and no longer bothers anyone.

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st. Pravdy, d.13


st. Pravdy, d.13


st. Pravdy, d.13

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Gavryusha dog sculpture

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Gavryusha dog sculpture

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Gavryusha dog sculpture


