places where the film “Mustachioed Nanny” was filmed

Those who do not let go of the film after watching and, in general, their soul requires something clean and bright can walk along Prospekt Mira, there is a building popularly called “House on Chicken Legs”, exactly there Kesha tried to attract the girl's attention and ended up in the police.

And if you walk along Ivanovskaya Gorka, you can see the very building where the “correctional colony” for Kesha was located. The most interesting thing is that it used to be a kindergarten. In general, the house is old and with a rich history, it will not be boring.

The town where Kesha took his wards for a walk was located in the yard near school No. 310 in Kharitonyevsky Lane, but, unfortunately, the bizarre wooden houses did not survive.

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prosp. Mira, 184, building 2


prosp. Mira, 184, building 2


prosp. Mira, 184, building 2

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places where the film “Mustachioed Nanny” was filmed

Site web

places where the film “Mustachioed Nanny” was filmed

Site web

places where the film “Mustachioed Nanny” was filmed


