Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace

The Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace is a vivid example of “second baroque” architecture. The author of the project is the famous architect A. AND. Stackenschneider.

In 1797, Princess A. G. Beloselskaya bought this house from A. AND. Naryshkina. The new owner did not like the layout of the house very much, so at the end of the XVIII century, architect F. AND. Demertsov built a new three-story palace in the classical style. The third and last time the mansion was rebuilt in 1847. Stackenschneider completely rebuilt the building and changed its interiors. Now the building resembled Rastrelli's palaces, for example, [Stroganov Palace] ( To work on the decor, sculptor D. AND. Jensen. It was according to his projects that figures of Atlanteans and caryatids were created.

In Soviet times, the palace was occupied by the district party committee of the Central (Kuibyshev) district. Some of the works of art from the nationalized building were transported to the Hermitage, and the other half was sent to a mansion on Krestovsky Island. In the 90s, the palace was transferred to the Petersburg Cultural Center, then to the Wax Museum. It is now in charge of the Presidential Administration.

Inside the palace, you can see marble fireplaces, a wide grand staircase and elegant furniture. In addition, all visitors can familiarize themselves with the Beloselsky-Belozersky book fund. Concerts and performances are held in the palace. The premises are rented by various organizations.


prosp. Nevsky 41


prosp. Nevsky 41


prosp. Nevsky 41

Emploi du temps

daily 11:00am — 7:00pm

Emploi du temps

daily 11:00am — 7:00pm

Emploi du temps

daily 11:00am — 7:00pm


+7 812 315-52-36


+7 812 315-52-36


+7 812 315-52-36

Site web

Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace

Site web

Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace

Site web

Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace


