Peter and Paul Fortress cannon

The first volleys in the [Peter and Paul Fortress] ( began to sound since its foundation in 1703. When there were no hours everywhere, they marked the beginning and end of the working day, warned of the threat of floods.

The tradition of midday shooting has been around for just over 150 years. It was first produced in the courtyard of the [Admiralty] ( in 1865, and in 1873 the action was moved to the Peter and Paul Fortress. In Soviet times, this ritual was abolished, but in 1957 it was returned to use. Today, the tradition is even enshrined in the Charter of St. Petersburg.

When a cannon fires in the Peter and Paul Fortress, the sound spreads several kilometers around. The signal can be used to check the clock, because it sounds at noon sharp. Gunners [of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg] ( fire the volley.

On significant dates, officials, honorary citizens of the city and other famous people take part in the ceremony. Naryshkin Bastion, where a cannon shoots in the Peter and Paul Fortress, cannot be reached at this time.

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Peter and Paul Fortress


Peter and Paul Fortress


Peter and Paul Fortress

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Peter and Paul Fortress cannon

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Peter and Paul Fortress cannon

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Peter and Paul Fortress cannon


