“Dial” on Kuznetsky Most
When you enter here, you get an alarm clock — like a reminder that time is money. This is the only thing you'll pay for.
They play chess and organize movie nights here. They study Chinese and Spanish and give live concerts. They paint still lifes, hold meetings and play the piano. Visitors are used to shortening the name of the free space to one letter — Ts.
It all started with a social project — with people who just enjoyed spending time together. And in return, they chipped in: who can leave how much. Gradually, the idea arose — why not rent a larger room? This is how Ts.
Cozy tables, great mood, sweets, coffee, tea and endless interesting events — all this in the space of Ts. There are even exhibitions here now.
You can come here with board games, celebrate birthdays and many other holidays.
A space where you only pay for time, everything else is free.
What else do you have here? Energetic, restless and attentive people. Personalities gushing with ideas, creative, emotional and simply interesting. It is they who create the so-called Tsifraternity — people who offer to have an Italian breakfast first and then think about a gouache study.
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st. Kuznetsky Most, 19, bldg. 1
st. Kuznetsky Most, 19, bldg. 1
st. Kuznetsky Most, 19, bldg. 1
Emploi du temps
every day all day
Emploi du temps
every day all day
Emploi du temps
every day all day
+7 962 964-67-86
+7 962 964-67-86
+7 962 964-67-86
Site web
“Dial” on Kuznetsky Most
Site web
“Dial” on Kuznetsky Most
Site web
“Dial” on Kuznetsky Most