letters on the asphalt in the Alesandrovsky Garden as a monument to the first printing house in St. Petersburg

Peter I tried to make the country literate and enlightened, and there were very few books — the main means of education — in the country. Having noticed printed books during his trip to Amsterdam, Peter ordered to develop their production in the country. In Moscow, as a hotbed of Russian culture, at that time there were specialists in book printing.

In 1711, the tsar ordered typesetters, printers and craftsmen from Moscow to maintain printing machines. His personal order was carried out immediately. Together with specialists, we brought one printing press.

The first printing house in Northern Palmyra began operating in Peterhof. The first newspaper published in its walls was called Vedomosti, and the autocrat himself took part in the preparation of its pilot issue. Drukarnya also began to produce other products. Book activity began with the printing of a book called “A Brief Image of Litigation.” They published calendars, statutes, laws, royal decrees.

A monument was erected on the site of the printing house. It represents the letters of the Russian alphabet, carved on granite slabs of gray color, which are mounted in the ground.


Aleksandrovsky Park


Aleksandrovsky Park


Aleksandrovsky Park

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letters on the asphalt in the Alesandrovsky Garden as a monument to the first printing house in St. Petersburg

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letters on the asphalt in the Alesandrovsky Garden as a monument to the first printing house in St. Petersburg

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letters on the asphalt in the Alesandrovsky Garden as a monument to the first printing house in St. Petersburg





