Alternative sights of Fryazino

The P-200 plate with a mirror diameter of 25 meters once served as a transmitting device for the military. Now all buildings around the antenna (bunker, several service buildings and a cooling pool) are mothballed. You may also simply not be allowed to go to the plate - soldier patrols periodically appear there.

Despite the fact that the Grebnevo estate is a monument of architecture and history of federal significance, it is currently in an extremely neglected state. Attempts at restoration ended in 1991, when the almost completely renovated complex was badly damaged by a fire.

The history of the estate can be traced back to the 16th century: the scribe books of that time mention that the village belonged to Bogdan Belsky, the gunsmith of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. In the Time of Troubles, the estate passed into the possession of the Vorontsovs, who were its owners even before Belsky, and then into the possession of Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy, an associate of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

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Grebnevo: Grebnevskoye rural settlement of Shchelkovsky District, Moscow Region. Radar: Moscow region, Pushkinsky district


Grebnevo: Grebnevskoye rural settlement of Shchelkovsky District, Moscow Region. Radar: Moscow region, Pushkinsky district


Grebnevo: Grebnevskoye rural settlement of Shchelkovsky District, Moscow Region. Radar: Moscow region, Pushkinsky district

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Alternative sights of Fryazino

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Alternative sights of Fryazino

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Alternative sights of Fryazino


