Alexandro-Mariinsky School
Funds for the construction of this building were allocated by the Moscow Merchant Society in the 70s of the XIX century. Ten years later, Alexander II came to Moscow and drew attention to the mayor of the merchant Korolev, among other influential people of the city, who was present at the reception in the Kremlin. The emperor visited the merchant's house and was very friendly to him. Representatives of the merchant guild interpreted this visit as evidence of Alexander II's favorable attitude to the business world, and Korolev himself, in honor of this significant event, transferred a large sum for The founding of the Alexandro-Mariinsky School, where children from poor families received free education, meals and medical treatment. Bukharin, the father of the future revolutionary, lived and taught mathematics in Alexandro-Mariinsky.
In the post-revolutionary years, the Alexander Mariinsky School was transformed into a school, and then into a pedagogical technical school, on the basis of which the demonstration Moscow Pedagogical School No. 1 was founded. Today, Pedagogical College No. 1 named after Ushinsky is located here.
st. Bolshaya Ordynka 47
st. Bolshaya Ordynka 47
st. Bolshaya Ordynka 47
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Alexandro-Mariinsky School
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Alexandro-Mariinsky School
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Alexandro-Mariinsky School